
About Elvenchrist

What IS Elvenchrist?

Elvenchrist1 is both a principle, and a virtual music ministry. Elven spirituality is the focus of both contexts.

The Principle

In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings, the Holy Spirit is represented as the "Flame Imperishable", and the "Secret Fire"2; as Such, the Flame is the Animating Agent of all spiritual beings, and the Force by which the Ainur sang the Cosmos into existence, (relative to the former), and by which the Valar manifested, and sustain the Earth, (relative to the latter). Without the Flame, there are no Elves; hence, there is no Elven spirituality, whether Tolkien-based, or otherwise.

The term "christ" comes from the Greek word, "Christos", which means "anointed".
The highest relationship with the Divine which an individual may have is one that is freely bestowed upon her, or him, or them via what is known as "the Anointing"; (i.e. a profound, unique unfolding of Holy Spirit throughout the personal microcosm granting the recipient epically great supranatural, and supernatural capacities.
[Microcosm being understood to be spirit+mind+psyche+body+torus]). [The "Anointing" link jumps to a Christian web site that actually explains this principle and process very effectively, and in a manner that transcends the context of that religion.]

Historically, the Anointing is a Gift of the Divine, freely presented to humanity, the Second-born Children of Ilúvatar, (Elves being "the First-born", Humans being "the Followers".)
Yeshua/Yésus a.k.a. Jesus became Christ after receiving the Anointing, i.e. after being Anointed by Holy Spirit. [Remember, there was no "Christianity" at that time; i.e. the Anointing is non-sectarian!--religion is not a prerequisite for anyone who may wish to receive It.] Inherently, Elves are vicariously imbued by the Flame as a consequence of their existence being inseparably tied to Arda (Earth), hence to the Valar; however, that imbuement is unconscious, and doesn't equate to Relationship with the Secret Fire. Accordingly, the principle of Elvenchrist asserts the possibility that Elves, (and contemporary Eldalië), may receive, and be empowered by the Anointing, and live within the Anointing as Anointed ones, as a consequence of making the choice to enter into Conscious Relationship with the Flame, just as Yesus Hristo (the Anointed One), informed us that we all may do, and be so--without religion being a necessary factor in that Relationship, (notwithstanding the personal edification may souls experience from religion).

Although Christianity has appropriated the understanding, and practical mysticism of the term, the dispensation of the Anointing is not limited to, or by any given religion. In the Gospel of John 3:15-16, Yésus emphasized the non-sectarian dispensation of the Gift when he clearly stated, two times, that "whosoever believes" would be given that Gift. Elvenspirit posits that, since the Gospel's "whosoever" means "everybody", that twicely-delivered Promise extends the mysticism of the Gift beyond the human experience to all Children of Ilúvatar, including to Elves, (and all who identify, or otherwise resonate with them). Consequently, the Elven spiritual experience of the Anointing may affect the most dynamic possible relationship between Eldalië, and Eru (God/Supreme Being/Divine Providence/Love).

The "Flame Imperishable" is the fundamental Divine Spark that Eru expresses as the Animating Principle within all life, in all dimensions; indeed, it is even the Secret Fire animating Arda/Earth/Gaia--without the Flame, there never was a Middle-earth, and Elves never existed, or, for that matter, the computer, or paper by which you're reading this, or your eyes, [or ears if you're reading this via TTY], or you (as a conscious, spiritual being). Therefore, the Flame is regarded as the single most important, fundamental spiritual Principle within Elven life; from inception of the Ainur, (who, as the Valar, generate, and sustain the life of Gaia), to each of the Elves on Middle-earth. Professor Tolkien clearly established the understanding that the Flame Imperishable IS the Holy Spirit1; ergo, it is the Flame that bestows the Anointing. Since, ultimately, ev-er-y-thing exists because of the Flame, (from an esoteric philosophical and mystical perspective), the possibility of the Anointing exists before Middle-earth. There is no Christ, or Christ figure in Middle-earth, therefore, although it isn't an experience for Elves, receiving the Anointing may be an option for Elves; however, for them, it seems not to be necessary because there is zero separation of their personal microcosms from the Flame/Spirit, but a universally inherent entanglement with Her--from the get go, Elves experience an inherent union of Heaven and Earth as a fundamental norm of their existence. [Nonetheless, for all, but a tiny fraction of mystically-inclined Elves, it is not a conscious, interactive union.]

Indeed, the Anointing is about enabling the Followers to have a similarly entangled relationship with Spirit, (an inheritance granted by request), expressing the extension of the Flame from Its latent Spark within the recipient's spirit into her, or his microcosm as Sacred Fire, thusly engendering the union of Heaven and Earth as a norm in her, or his comprehensive existence. [The primary advantage to humans is, because receiving the Anointing requires a prayer to Eru requesting it, i.e. conscious communication with Eru, the Followers have a much more practical, interactive, and deeply intimate Relationship with the Flame than Elves may ever know, much less experience without the Anointing.] And, indeed, rather than being a perversion of both the Path, and of Christianity, the possibility of experiencing the Anointing in the context, and as an Aspect of the practitioner's experience of the Elven spiritual path [i.e. Elvenchrist] is simply a fundamental option of Nature. That is how the principle of Elvenchrist may be relevant to Elves, and to Tolkien-based Elven spirituality.

The Ministry

Elvenchrist is a virtual, non-sectarian ministry of "ElvenSpirit", (both founded by Ilúvamil musician, Michaele Alyras de Cygne; she composes Elvenchrist's Music, and programs all of the ministry's instruments and vocals, generally adhering to Tolkien's prescription for sung Quenya--i.e. in the style of Gregorian Chant).
ElvenSpirit's mission is to advance the general public's awareness, and understanding of the practice of Elven spirituality, (or, the "Elven Spiritual Path", as it's commonly regarded). Primarily, Elvenchrist serves individuals who walk with, and live in the Anointing whilst also spiritually identifying with Elves, (e.g. those who identify with being Spirit-filled Christians who also have experienced, or may be experiencing what's known as "Elven Awakening"), enabling them to establish, and deeply grow in the Harmony of that dual, mutually-inclusive Spiritual experience. Jesus said, "My words are Spirit..."; therefore, they also theoretically, philosophically, and dynamically express the Resonance of the Secret Fire when sung--even when the "singer" is a programmed voice. This ministry puts that theory to the test.

Elvenchrist is not affiliated with, nor does it represent any religion;
nor is this ministry any attempt to "Christianize" the Elven Spiritual Path

The Work of Elvenchrist

Elvenchrist is organized to provide inspirational Music, and related media, and merchandise to advance the awareness, understanding, and practical experience of the individual's Relationship with the Flame Imperishable within the context, and empowerment of the
Anointing. Presently, Elvenchrist does so by creating, and presenting ElvenSong embodying words of Yésus Hristo translated into the Elven High Language of Quenya. It is ElvenSpirit's hope that providing Elvenchrist's Music may enable Eldalië to explore, and to develop the fullness of that Relationship, without religion, rather than within a sectarian context, (unless the practitioner prefers also to adhere to religion, which this Path certainly accommodates, without being thereto sacrilegious.) Lest anyone attempt to project such backhandedness upon either Elvenchrist, or ElvenSpirit, we assure you, neither is affecting evangelism on the sly; to put it simply, with both, WYSAHIWYG (what you see and hear is what you get).

Some of Elvenchrist's (Full Moon) ElvenSong
(From Elven Spiritual Path's 

   Ilyë Nati Nar Carimë Yen Savë (All Things are Possible for [one] Who Believes)

   Nalvë Híni Ilúvataro (We are Children of Ilúvatar)

   Yáviënya Útulië (My Harvest has Come)

  Orë Erdëo (Grain of Seed)

 *       *       *       *       *       *       *

* Quenya:  i ilquen ye savë sessë samuva oira coivië.

                  An Eru emélië i mar tenna antië *ernóna Yondorya,

                  i ilquen ye savë sessë lá nauva nancarna, mal samuva oira coivië.

English:  whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

                For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,

                that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

                                                                      Translated by Helge Fauskanger

Elvenchrist uses a small "c" in deference to Yésus Hristo. As Elves have relationship with the Divine, without religion, this ministry is not affiliated with any religion. Nor is Elvenchrist associated with any other organization. See Elven Spiritual Path's Resources page for more information about how the Anointing applies to Middle-earth, and how you may apply it to your experience of the Elven Spiritual Path.

2. This is an alternate name of the Holy Spirit in Tolkien's mythos, like Eru is the name of God. In Tolkien and The Silmarillion, Clyde S. Kilby refers to a discussion he had with Tolkien: "Professor Tolkien talked to me at some length about the use of the word 'holy' in The Silmarillion. Very specifically he told me that the 'Secret Fire sent to burn at the heart of the World' in the beginning was the Holy Spirit.' " -- Retrieved from http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Secret_Fire

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