What is the Elven
Spiritual Path?
“Elven Spiritual Path” as this
organization’s name, if you’re unaware
of the answer already, you may be
asking the question, “What
IS the Elven spiritual path?”
Hopefully, after reading this page,
you'll understand the gist of what
this emerging spiritual tradition is
about, and, perhaps, how it may
practically apply to your life.
[Note: This is just a
reminder from our "About..."
page that, throughout this web site,
you will see
- "the Path",
or "this Path",
(referring to the entire
tradition that is the Elven
spiritual path, using a singular
term), differentiating it from [albeit
the same meaning as],
- "Elven spiritual
path", (also
referring to the entire
tradition, using lower case
letters on the latter two words
to differentiate our using that
term per se) from
- "Elven Spiritual
Path", (which
refers to this organization's
legal name with the I.R.S., i.e.
86-64118870]), and from
let's look into answering that
Ancient Spiritual Path [heretofore hidden
in fiction, now]
Newly Emerging From Collective
Spiritual Consciousness
Elven spirituality and [the spiritual
tradition known as] the Elven
spiritual path arise from a visceral,
oftentimes lucid, interactive
awareness amongst many persons,
worldwide, of a personal, spiritual resonance
with Elves. Rather than the tiny lawn
gnome-like depictions, consistent with
the Brothers Grimm’s “The Elves and
the Shoemaker”, or the equally
fictitious Santa’s elves, the
resonance to which I’m referring is
one with literal, (and much taller)
beings; (notwithstanding the Elves of
Iceland, of course). Some persons who
feel such resonance have been authors,
such as J. R. R. Tolkien, Terry
Brooks, Ursula K. Le Guin and others.
From their writings, others (not
necessarily writers) became aware of
their sense of Elven resonance, which
lead to an upswell in such awareness
that culminated into a social
movement, the “Elven Movement” in the
late twentieth century. “But”, you may
be asking, “How does that relate to
Elven spirituality, and the Elven
spiritual path?” To answer that
question most effectively, I’ll share
an excerpt from my book, "The
Way of the Elven Spiritual Path ::
Book II: Initiation":
upon a time, far away, Elves walked
the planet just as humans do today.
Not the shoe making, toy making,
cookie baking type of elves, but the
tall, immortal, graceful type of
Elves represented in writings such
as Terry Brooks’ Chronicles of
Shannara, R.A. Salvatore’s Forbidden
Realms, and Margaret Weis’ and Tracy
Hickman’s Dragonlance—all of which
were primarily inspired by the
novels of J. R. R. Tolkien.
“In the
context of literature, long before
Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian,
Greek, Roman, Mayan, Celtic, and,
well, all other mythologies since
Sumaria, and with a Creation story
rivaling each of those paradigms of
mythology, the
mythology of a Time Before Men
unfolded; the mythology of
Middle-earth. In that Time, Elves
were the dominant bipeds on Earth,
or “Arda” as they called it, and
Humans were only a thought in the
Mind of the Creator/Creatress. Elves
learned directly from archangel-like
beings, and mastered everything they
set their minds to, including the
arts, an extensive array of
craftsmanship, healing, and even
community governance. Eventually,
long after Humans appeared, as
quietly as the Elves showed up in
that story, they shifted into a
higher bandwidth of planetary
existence; a bandwidth that has
since been accessible only through
dreams, and Active Imagination.
both avenues, J. R. R. Tolkien
accessed that bandwidth,
communicating what he experienced
there in a manner very much like an
historian, rather than a creative
writer. As noted in the
introduction, Tolkien discreetly
acknowledged that he channeled a
considerable amount of the
Legendarium, writing about his
communicating what he was receiving
about that myth, “But as it is,
though, it seems to have grown out
of hand, so that parts seem (to me)
rather revealed through me than by
me.” Circa ten thousand
published pages embody what Tolkien
learned, and shared from his
observations of that myth, objective
and inspired; collectively, they are
known as, “the Legendarium”, and the
land wherein the myth unfolded is
known as, “Middle-earth”.
above mentioned, according to the
Legendarium, Elves did not leave
actually leave Earth, and it’s
possible for Humans to directly
partake of the Elven spiritual
continuum as part of their personal
spiritual experience. As that
knowledge has been increasingly
dispersed, since the publishing of
Tolkien’s greatest literary work,
(and bedrock of the Legendarium),
the Silmarillion, a reemergence of
Elven energy, and Elven spiritual
Resonance has begun; thanks to
spiritual Seekers who have connected
with, and embraced that Resonance as
part of their regular spiritual
experience. To understand the cause
of that effect, it’s necessary to
have, at least, a perfunctory
awareness of the Middle-earth
Mythology .
Myth That was Middle-earth
“In the
beginning, (according to the
“Silmarillion”, the foundation of
the Legendarium), there was “Eru”,
(also known as “Eru Ilúvatar”, the
Father of All), the One Spirit, and
One Mind; the Creator/Creatrix. The
Mind of Eru conceived the “Ainur”,
Divine beings analogous to
archangels, and angels, and
manifested millions of them;
subsequently, the universe was born
via the sound waves that flowed from
the singing of the Ainur, That
collective chorus became known as
“the Music of the Ainur”.
“Ainulindale”, the story that
expresses the account of that Divine
origin is simply regarded as
fantasy; however, in 2005, (almost
as if supporting the account),
according to astronomer’s, “The
early universe rang with the sound
of countless cosmic bells, which
filled the primordial darkness with
ripples like the surface of a pond
pounded by stones. The wave fronts
later served as spawning grounds for
galaxies” (Britt, 2005). In fact,
(to this author’s knowledge, based
on the Scientific American’s
presentation of the evolution of the
universe), the only Creation story
of all human religions, and
spiritual traditions that matches
the revelations of modern
astronomers, cosmologists, is the
one expressed by Tolkien’s
mythical, and scientific parity
seems to establish Middle-earth as a
probable, literal reality, presented
as a literary possibility; hence, it
poses the possibility that Tolkien
channeled at least a very
significant amount of the
Legendarium content; which he
admitted in a letter he wrote to
Peter Hastings in 1932. The
Legendarium goes on to introduce
several of the Ainur, and to tell
the origin, and cultural evolution
of the Elves, and the first Humans,
who like the Ainur, were born from
the Mind of Eru; albeit not as the
Ainur, but as the Children of
Iluvatar. In the Legendarium’s
account of the Middle-earth
evolution of Earth (“Arda”), human,
and elven cultures intermingled,
even having personal relationships
with some of the Ainur; with at
least one Elf marrying one of the
Ainur, as well as other Elves
marrying humans, and bearing
offspring, (thusly establishing
Elven ancestral bloodlines).
Tolkien was the conduit, rather than
the creator, of the Middle-earth
mythology, and since
interdimensional principles enabling
humans to embody Elven spiritual
resonance are amply evident in the
Legendarium, there seems to be an
high probability that there is a
constant interdimensional continuum
between the realm of the
Legendarium, and the realm of
conventional, historical Earth that
may enable persons to actively
interface, and interact with
entities in Middle-earth. Hence, it
may be possible, for persons who
wish to do so, to contact, to
connect with, and to communicate
with the Ainur, the Maiar, and the
Elves, and to vicariously embody,
and express the Divine Energies, and
Presence of the former, as well as
the noble, creative, and valiant
presence of the latter. Just as
science has empirically revealed
that some aspects of Tolkien’s
mythology that seem to parallel
literal events that actually
manifested our universe, that
aforementioned constant,
interdimensional continuum seems to
have been validated by the actual
spiritual contact, connection, and
communication between humans, Ainur,
and Middle-earth’s Elves, (as well
as other Elven continua), by persons
who have wished to have that
experience, and the consequent
reemergence of Elven energy,
awareness, understanding, wisdom,
and vital presence in the last few
decades of the twentieth century.?
Rise and Evolution of the Elven
Hippies of the 1960s were the first
noted community to recognize the
Elven spiritual resonance in the
Lord of the Rings, and to actively
embrace it by including passages
from it in marriage ceremonies, and
enhancing the spiritual experience
of reading it by the use of
psychedelics. Soon, within, and
without community, some people began
to self-identify as Elves.
Throughout the ‘60s, whilst some
communities had begun to embrace
Middle-earth as a prehistoric
reality, and Neo-pagan communities
began to explore the integration of
interacting with Middle-earth in
their rites, there was no organized
observance of an Elven paradigm.
However, there were some persons who
had genuinely, and seriously tapped
into that resonance, embracing it as
a literal, practical experience.
“In the
early 1970’s, two women from
Illinois, Susie Creamcheese, (who
adopted the name “Arwen”), and Mary
Sunshine, (who adopted the name
“Elanor”), were directed by a Ouija
board session to found the “Elf
Queen’s Daughters” (EQD) The
Elf Queen therein referred to is
Tolkien’s “Varda”, the High Queen of
the Ainur who became the “Valar”;
the Valar being regarded as the
energetic Matrix that established,
and sustains Arda. Contrary to what
may be assumed by the name, EQD’s
members were both female, and
male. The EQD began to advance
what would become known as “the
Elven Movement” by widely traveling
in the USA, establishing Elven
vortexes, and enabling Elven
“Awakenings” amongst those who may
have been spiritually inclined
toward the Elven spiritual realm;
and referring to themselves as
Elves. A couple of years later, two
members, Zardoa Love and
Silverflame, established a vortex,
and an independent EQD cell in
southern Illinois, calling
thems’elves, “The Elves of the
Southern Woodlands” (ESW). Soon
thereafter, Tolkien’s Silmarillion
was published, both the general body
of the EQD, and the ESW found it to
be a profound inspirational
foundation, which lead to many of
their members adopting Tolkien-based
Elven names, and the ESW integrating
Elven insights drawn from the
Silmarillion into its spiritual
paradigm. [Although this book is
focused on the Tolkien-based Elven
spiritual path, it’s fair to note
that, during the 1970s, to the
present, concurrently with the Elven
inspiration of the Legendarium, a
continuum began in which some
persons have experienced a sense of
Elven Awakening from the Shannara
writings of author Terry Brooks. For
the past 4 decades, many of such
persons have developed what may be
regarded as “Shannara-based” Elven
than adopting the languages of
Quenya, and Sindarin that Tolkien’s
writing presented, the ESW began to
develop their own, respectably
extensive Elvish language,
“Arvyndase”. By the early-1980s, the
EQD’s leaders to began to turn their
attention away from awakening, and
inspiring persons who identified
with Elves, and the group, at large,
began to disband, and to disperse.
During the next 2 decades, the EQD,
effectively, became non-existent as
a formal group, with only a
proverbial handful of its member
scattered around the globe; while
the ESW continued to grow, moving
from Illinois to the San Francisco
Bay area, changing their name to the
“Silver Elves” (SE), and then
relocating to their current locale
in Hawaii to advance what they had
established as “the Elven Way”;
writing, and publishing several
books, and letters to teach the
Elven Way to those who wished to
walk it. In 1984, in Sacramento,
California, the Tribunal of the
Sidhe (TOTS) was established. TOTS
is a Neo-pagan community that,
amongst its veneration of gods, and
goddesses from an array of other
pantheons, it has also developed
rituals focused on interaction with
the Valar; with great reverence of
the Valie, Yavanna. For the SE, and
TOTS. although Tolkien’s writings
have been inspirational, and
motivational, they are not seminal;
far less canonical. It wasn’t until
the early years of the 21st century
that canonical regard was given to
the Legendarium, in a particularly
Elven context. Then, a new
organization embraced Tolkien’s
writings as a canonical source, and
the Elven Movement spawned the Elven
Spiritual Movement. [It’s also fair
to note that, during the 1980s, to
the present, concurrently with the
Legendarium’s Elven inspiration, a
continuum began in which some
persons have experienced a sense of
Elven Awakening from the role
playing paradigm of Dungeons and
Dragons; most notably, the
Dragonlance writings of
Tolkien-inspired author Margaret
Weis and Tracy Hickman, and the
Forgotten Realms writings of
Tolkien-inspired R.A. Salvatore. For
the past 4 decades, many of such
persons have developed what may be
regarded as “D&D-based” Elven
eldaliéva and the Rise of the Elven
Spiritual Movement
2005, seeking to find others who may
have been likewise inspired by the
Elven mystique in the Silmarillion,
particularly toward establishing a
community based in the Tolkien Elven
mythology, Lisa Allen and Dave
Woosley met each other, respectively
adopte the names “Calantirniel”, and
“Nathan Elwing”, and began to work
toward developing a viable, modern,
Tolkien-based Elven spiritual
tradition. They embraced a gnostic
approach, regarding what Henry
Corbin (1972) qualified as the
“mundus imaginalis”, or Imaginal
Realm, which presented the
possibility of conscious, lucid, and
enlightening communication, and
interaction with the Valar, the
Maiar, and, (as they may exist in a
realm removed from our 3D
experience, nonetheless alive), the
Elves. They laid the foundation for
such a tradition by determining the
Gregorian calendar dates
corresponding to particular Elven
events within the Legendarium,
respectively assigning the Valar to
those dates, and developing rituals
(which later became known as Solar,
and Lunar Observances ) aligned with
the respective Valar for those
events. Thusly enabling persons to
have direct interaction with the
Valar on a regular, cyclical basis,
they, along with Calantirniel’s
husband, guitarist Ray Allen, and a
handful of other persons, including
Dr. Eärendil Spendelilus, founded “Tië
eldaliéva” (T-e), (which in
Quenya, the High Language of the
Elves developed by Tolkien, means “the
Elven Path”), of which they
comprised the organization’s
leadership, or Inner Circle.
Thereby, T-e became the first
genuine, Tolkien-based Elven
spiritual path, and community, and
formally established “Elven
spirituality” as a focus in the
Elven Movement.”
Bifurcation of Elven Spirituality
two years, after attracting another
handful of members, it was evident
that some of them wished to strictly
adhere to the content of the
Legendarium in their spiritual
development, whilst others preferred
to enhance their Tolkien-based Elven
experience with a gnostic,
experiential approach that went far
beyond their Tolkien-based
experience into other Elven
spiritual continuums. Nathan being
one of them, departed from T-e, and
founded Ilsaluntë Valion
(Quenya: The Silver Ship of the
Valar) (IV), to enable those
T-e members so aligned to
gnostically further their conscious
elven interactions.
2008, this author, (hereinafter
referred to in the third person by
my middle name, “Alyras”), was
introduced to Calantirniel by master
Quenya translator, Rodger
Ashton-Smith, and soon became a
member of T-e. T-e had remained
small after the 2007 split,
informally advancing its membership
via its online profile on Facebook
(Fb). In the early part of the
2000-teens, “Llefyn”, a member of
its Inner Circle departed from T-e,
leaving a critically large gap in
the group’s leadership. Alyras had
been significantly advancing T-e’s
informal membership by posting
regular Observance notifications on
the group’s Facebook page, and by
making a substantially significant
contribution to the doctoral
dissertational research of the group
by (Dr.) Markus Altena Davidsen.
Hence, Alyras was invited, and
accepted the invitation to become a
member of T-e’s Inner Circle. Soon
thereafter, suddenly, one afternoon,
Ray died (from coronary arrest). For
the next 5 years, T-e served
“Eldalië”, and “Elendili” (Quenya:
Elves, and Elf friends,
respectively) primarily through its
Fb page, with Lisa posting Full Moon
Observance notices, and Alyras
posting New Moon and Dark Moon
insights and meditations enabling
people to more deeply interact with
the respective Valar, without the
ritual format. Thereby, the two
increased the group’s informal
membership by several hundred, and
its Fb followers from the low 100s
to nearly 1200, widely informing
people that a genuine,
Legendarium-based Elven spiritual
path, and community was present, and
“In the
mid-2010’s the membership of IV had
dwindled to the extent that Nathan,
and its chief technical coordinator,
“Luthien”, decided to formally
dissolve the organization; whilst
keeping its extensive, online,
gnostic-focused forum available to
the general public. Having advance
the scope of T-e, in early 2019,
Alyras communicated to Calantirniel
that she wished to have Nathan
aboard as a member of the Inner
Council again.What IS the Elven
spiritual path?
Calantirniel proposed that to
Nathan, and he accepted. For 3
years, T-e had been watching
Kimberly Lennon, who had adopted the
name, “Kimberel Eventide”,
independently advancing Elven
spirituality by sharing her personal
experience, and expression of Elven
spirituality via her YouTube
channel, “High Elven Wisdom and
Love”. On Fb, Kimberel had acquired
thousands of followers. A couple of
months after Nathan had rejoined
T-e, Kimberel announced that she was
interested in starting a
Tolkien-based elven organization.
Fearing Kimberel would do so, and
thusly eclipse T-e, remarkably
impairing its ability to expand, to
the IC, Calantirniel proposed
bringing Kimberel into T-e as a
member of the IC. The IC agreed, and
when given the invitation to do so,
Kimberel agreed…” (de Cygne, 2021).
There is
much more to that true story, (e.g.
Eärendil, Kimberel and I have departed
from T-e; Eärendil founding Lambengolmor
The Elven School of Loremasters,
Kimberel advancing High
Elven Wisdom and Love, and I
founding the 501(c)(3) organizations,
Elvenspirit, [and] Elven
Spiritual Path/Fëavanda
Eldaliéva, [both
independent of T-e, nonetheless
continuing to advance Elven
spirituality on the foundation that
T-e laid]); however, that account
should have given you a clear,
essential understanding of what the
Elven spiritual path is about. The
Elven spiritual path is a viable,
well-developed, modern spiritual
tradition, serving all who resonate
with it, in a variety of ways, through
a variety of organizations, groups,
and ministries. Since the dawn of the
twenty-first century, it is
increasingly common to hear people
say, “I’m spiritual, but not
religious”; nonetheless, humans are
inclined toward traditions, and all
religions began as spiritual
traditions. Certainly, the Elven
spiritual path is part of the vanguard
of modern, emerging spiritual
traditions that are being appreciated
by persons who have become
disillusioned by, (or are simply not
resonating with) established
religions. Now that you’ve seen where
it’s been, keep an eye on the Elven
spiritual path, in its many
expressions, to see where it leads;
definitely, as a whole, it most likely
leads to a more en-Light-ened Earth,
and to a more enlightened humanity.
(be well)!
by Tárairemo
(Rev.) Michaele
Alyras de Cygne
Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
Britt, R. R. (2005). First Sound
Waves Left Imprint on the Universe.
Space.com. Retrieved from
Corbin, H. (1972). Mundus
Imaginalis, or The Imaginary and The
Imaginal. Retrieved from
de Cygne, M. A. (2021). The Modern
Reemergence of Elves. The Way of
the Elven Spiritual Path :: Book II:
Initiation; (alternately titled, "Initiation
Into and Practice of the Elven
Spiritual Path for the Solitary
Practitioner", an e-edition
specifically published as a fundraising
vehicle supporting the Work of Elven
Spiritual Path).

Copyright by ElvenSpirit and Art of
Pop LLC. All
rights reserved.