most sacred traditions, daily
practice of some kind is
essential for healthy spiritual
development; likewise on the
Elven spiritual path. Generally
speaking, this path is primarily
subjective, and individualistic,
so there is no uniform, common
daily practice per se. However,
there are some things that may
be done daily to steadily deepen
your hereupon immersion, and to
strengthen your relationships
with both Eru and the Valar. We
encourage you to develop your
own processes that you're able
to do daily, with minimal
effort; that way, you're sure to
reap great benefits from them.
To help you think about how to
do so, we're providing the below
two meditation processes. As
daily practices, they are very
effective in enabling you to
become steadily clearer,
stronger, and more resonant as
your highest S'Elf.
first is drawn from the rituals
of Tie eldalieva, (originally
drafted by Lisa Allen, and Dave
Woosley), and it focuses on you
aligning yourself with the Two
Trees, (Telperion and Laurelin), and
integrating their energies into
your body and microcosm. It is
primarily for people who are
familiar with the Nature of the
Two Trees; (you may become so
familiar by reading the about
their creation and destruction
in the Quenta
Silmarillion, and
the "Tale
of the Sun and Moon" in
the Book
of Lost Tales I ).
The second is designed to enable
you to engage, and integrate the
Resonance of the Valar into your
psyche, and felt sense
experience. It is meant for both
novices, and adepts. They may be
done separately; however, when
done in series, (the 1st first),
there is much greater daily
enrichment for you.
comfortably, with both feet flat
uncrossed on floor, and your hands
open, uncrossed, and facing the sky,
or the ground, as you may prefer.
Close your eyes, and visualize
yourself standing on the Green
Mound, Corollaire, between the Two
To your left, the White Tree,
Telperion, radiates a soft, silver
Light. See that Light flowing into,
and filling the left side of your
body. As it does so, see the silver
light flowing into your blood, into
your muscles, and allow a silver
glow to emanate from the entire left
side of your body. Direct this
silver energy to both your third eye
(Ajna), as well as your sacral/navel
(Svadhisthana) chakras. If other
colors appear along with the silver
light, allow them to do so. Allow
yourself to be nourished by the
silver, renewing Light.
To your right, the Golden Tree,
Laurelin, radiates a marvelous
Light, the color of golden sunlight.
See Laurelin's Light flowing into,
and filling the right side of your
body. As with the silver Light, see
the golden Light entering your right
side’s blood stream, and muscles,
and allow a golden glow to emanate
from the entire right side of your
body. Then, direct this golden
energy to your crown (Sahasrara),
and your solar plexus (Manipura)
chakras. If you see other colors
along with the golden light, allow
them to flow as well. Allow yourself
to be nurtured by the golden,
healing Light.
Next, feel roots, like those of the
Trees, extending from your feet into
Arda, grounding, and connecting you
to Earth. Feel your roots stretch
deeper, and deeper into Earth, as
you allow Arda to nourish, and
nourish you. Feel Arda fully
supporting you, now; just as your
body is made of the stardust that
physically forms Earth, know that
you are, and feel yourself BEING
Arda. If you become aware of more
colors, simply allow them to flow
Generally, the growth of tree roots
mirrors the growth of their
branches; likewise, as you feel
roots extending from your feet, also
energetically feel your arms, hands,
fingers, (and even the hair on your
head) rising upward like the
branches of the Two Trees. Feel your
“branches” lengthening in all
directions, reaching to the sky
(Vilya). As above, so below—continue
to extend your branches higher,
accessing the far reaches of Elven
ancestry, and memory, whilst you
continue to extend your roots
deeper, even down to the Secret Fire
at the heart of Arda, centering
yourself in Spirit/Source.
The Two Trees have a symbiotic
relationship; likewise, so do the
silver, and golden Lights within
you. See both Lights intermingling,
and fluctuating within you, in
Nature's balanced, beautiful and
ever-wise Way. Feel yourself
intimately connected to Iluvatar
(Father of All that IS), and, in
fact, to all of Ea (the Cosmos).
Linger in this inner space for as
long as you wish.
When you're ready to complete your
meditation, acknowledge Eru, and
slowly retract your roots, and
branches. See them returning to your
body, and your body restoring itself
to its normal form. Then, see the
silver and golden Lights merging
into a single column of white Light
aligned with the vertical center
line of your body, radiating between
your root and crown chakras. Slowly
draw the Light from your root and
crown chakras into a single sphere
of white Light within your heart
chakra. Then, until it disappears in
your imagination, allow the Light to
dissolve into the muscle of your
heart, so your heart may pump it
through your body to where your body
may need it most. Take a few deep
breaths, open your eyes, and have a
great day!
meditation is based purely in breath.
Its purpose is to enable you to
develop the ability to connect with,
and evoke the Valar simply via
comfortably, with both feet flat
uncrossed on floor, and your hands
open, uncrossed, and facing the sky,
or the ground, as you may prefer.
Close your eyes, and visualize the
Flame Imperishable as a large,
radiant Light, blazing in front of
you. (Feel It also with you as it
connects with the Spark of It that
Eru placed within your spirit when
the Divine Mind conceived you.)
Allow Its Light to surround you. As
you take 7 deep breaths, allow Its
Light to permeate you; feel it both
shielding you, and illuminating you.
Next, one by one, in whatever order
you may choose, imagine the Tengwar
glowing in front of you as white
Light. Here, let's start with Romen.
See the Tengwa glowing in front of
you, and, as you take 7 deep
breaths, imagine it reaching out
across Arda to reach Manwe and
Varda. By the 7th breath, you may
feel their combined Presence
connecting with you. At that point,
take 7 deep breaths whilst imagining
their Presence nurturing you, and
blessing your psyche, and your body.
When done, do so with another
Tengwa, until you've done so with
all 7.

meditation is much, much easier said
than done! The mind wanders,
unpredictably, especially as you're
learning to do it. It's very
probable that you'll get to the 4th,
or 5th breath, then realize you've
been thinking about something other
than the respective Valar for
perhaps several breaths; having lost
count on exactly which breath you
were respiring. Here are two methods
of keeping track of your breath
1) Make a string of 7 beads, (could
be crystal, or wood, or plastic).[I
have a 9-bead string, with a large
bead at the top, a slightly smaller
bead on the bottom, and 7 mo'
slightly smaller beads in between
them for counting.] Hold on bead
between the thumb and first 2
fingers of either hand, and progress
to the next bead until you've
reached the 7th. This is the most
effective way to keep track of your
breath count.
2) Use your thumb and fingers to keep
Press your thumb against your index
finger for the 1st,
your middle finger for
your 2nd,
your ring finger for your 3rd,
your pinky for your 4th,
your index again for your 5th,
your middle finger again for your 6th,
and your ring finger again for your
This method works well until your
thoughts drift off, your fingers
unintentionally separate, and you
lose track of both breath and finger
counts; otherwise, it's the easiest,
and most discrete method, as you may
do it anywhere without anyone
noticing your practicing this
meditation, (e.g. as you're on the
bus, or train going to, or from
noted above, doing these
meditations in series, engaging
the Valar whilst visualizing
you're on Corollaire, is the
most delicious way to experience
them. (You may deepen the former
by visualizing the Flame also
connecting you to the Secret
Fire within the heart of the
world.) The first requires only
3-5 minutes; the second requires
between eighteen (18) and thirty
(30) minutes, depending on how
well you're able to focus. May
your daily practice of the Elven
spiritual path be enhance and
enriched by both of them.
by Michaele de Cygne
21, 2021

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