
The Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle

The Conception of the Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle

In their book. "The Book of Houses: An Astrological Guide to the Harvest Cycle in Human Life", Robert Cole and Paul Williams detail how the annual astrological cycle may be used to facilitate personal growth and harvest the same way farmers use the astronomical cycle to facilitate agricultural growth and harvest. As a spiritual teacher, part of Ms. de Cygne's contribution to the Elven spiritual community has stemmed from her awareness of Cole's and Williams' perspective, and how it also seamlessly applies to the Flow of the loa. Accordingly, for several years, she has assisted Eldalië by enabling them to also embrace the loa as a personal harvest cycle; in what she terms the "Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle". (Her book by that name, embodying a review of the Cycle, and providing a full detailed representation of the combined Elven Calendar and Elven Spiritual Calendar, along with a secret ritual enabling Eldalië to be self-initiated into service as Elven Light Bearers, will be released soon.)

The Harvest Cycle is the most effective route for Eldalië to engage the Solar and Lunar Observances in a way that directly serves to enable them to develop deep, lucid relationships with the Valar leading to reliably experiencing the harvest of embodying aspects of themS'Elves they may wish to become, (and/or to achieve specific goals), during the month of Yavannië, (the Moon of Harvest). Quite effectively, her insights enable Eldalië to walk their talk; to personally experience the Transformative Power of the Elven spiritual path where their rubber meets their roads, much like Joseph Campbell qualified as the "Hero's Journey". The Cycle enables any practitioner of the path who applies it to her/his/their life to experience that Journey in a personally customized way toward becoming a S'Elf-determined, Light-bearing member of her/his/their community, and of the Elven community at large.

The Flow of the Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle

(Redacted) Excerpt from the book, "The Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle"

"...the Elven Hero’s Journey is best delineated as a 4-phase process. Each phase is quaternary, generally containing 3 months each, (with 1 of them including Mettarë and Yestarë, and 1 including Enderi). Effectively, rather than the ESHC starting at the beginning of the loa, it starts immediately after Yavannië, the month of Harvest, wherein the practioner chooses new Dream Seeds from the previous year’s Harvest; with the respective Valar in the Cycle’s sequence facilitating the steps of the practitioner’s spiritual growth process based on those new Seeds. In sequence, those phases progress as the

"Sowing Quadrant, the
Sprouting Quadrant, the
Flowering Quadrant, (which begins with Yestarë), and the
Fruit Bearing Quadrant, (which ends with Enderi).

"Sowing Quadrant. During the Sowing Quadrant’s first Moon, (Narquelië), Námo assists the practitioner in the review of the previous Harvest whereby the best choices for new Dream Seeds are selected, also in the Seed selection process, and in letting go of the focus on the previous Harvest, i.e. the Death process.

"Thereafter, (during Hisimë), Estë enables the practitioner to experience a month of holistic rest, and healing from any wounds that he, she, or they may have experienced in the course of the previous Harvest. It’s a Time to allow the soil to deeply rest, before the next planting begins; it’s a Time to allow your psyche to rest, and Estë’s Island, settles in the lake within Lórien, is a wonderful place to do that. That month ends with a consolidation of the new S’Elf vision on Cuivérë Quendiva, (the Awakening of the Elves), which is an excellent Time for intentional planting of the new Dream Seeds.

"During the ensuing month, (Ringarë), Nienna enables the practitioner to transit her, his, or their personal Underworld, during which he, she, or they may receive her help, in the form of both her counsel and her tears, toward affecting a particular and critical personal Transformation. That Transformation is the completion of the Death of the previous loa’s Dream as the energy of its potential becomes the psychic substrate out of which new Light will emerge during the ensuing month, Narvinyë. Ringarë is also the Time when the Marring of Arda is revisited, hence... That revisitation culminates on Turuhalmë, the Winter Solstice, when the Tales are formally revisited, (according to the practitioner’s preferences; setting aside that day to listen to an audiobook of the Silmarillion is an excellent habit to develop for that Observance). Also on Turuhalmë, drawing the practitioner’s attention upward and into her, his, or their ascent from the Underworld, the Maia, Tilion, is honored; thereby enabling the practitioner’s...
"Sprouting Quadrant. Immediately, Aulë arrives during Narvinyë, with such Energy and Power that his Presence affects the Dream Seed like a New Sun, prompting Seed germination; as the fires of his forges quicken the new Seeds, and spur them into growth, thereby commencing the implementation of the Rebirth process imitated by Nienna.

"The next Moon is Nenimë; the Watery Moon. During Nenimë, Ulmo’s interaction with the practitioner affects a spiritual watering of the new Seeds. At the beginning of his Work with the practitioner, he and Nienna join forces (on Sovalwaris) to purify both the practitioner and the water; thus ensuring the memory of the Music of the Ainur within water may be more readily heard due to its purity, and thusly enabling the Seed growth to proceed without its husk, i.e. without any residue from the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle.

"Thereafter, (during Sulimë), having been warmed and watered, the Seeds break through the ground whereupon (1) Manwë blesses the Sprouts, and allows the Breath of Arda to affect an acceleration of inner growth, (an acceleration which, in agricultural terms, is akin to the way wind affects a pumping process enabling trees to both draw water from the depths of the earth, which, in turn, facilitates the process of the trees breathing, i.e. turning carbon dioxide into oxygen), and (2) the practitioner experiences the first outward signs of her, his, or their new Dream being ethereally expressed into Arda’s atmosphere, (wherein it will condense), shifting from potential into clear possibilities of real life experiences.

"Flowering Quadrant. During the first step of the Flowering Quadrant, the practitioner gains the benefit of Vairë’s Power as the Valië weaves the practitioner’s Seed intentions into the Fabric of Time, (on Yestarë). As Vairë is Námo’s counterpart, her thereof weaving establishes the Framework (i.e. sequential opportunities, connections, essential accomplishments, etc.) that will help to facilitate the most appropriate real life expressions of the practitioner’s hoped for Fruit when the Harvest finally arrives.

"Immediately thereafter, the practitioner receives the benefit of Tulkas’ strength and joyfulness; which is an uplift in the Northern Hemisphere, as Spring is finally sprung (during Víressë). On an higher plane, Tulkas facilitates the activation of the Essence of the Divine Masculine within the practitioner’s Seeds and psyche. Speaking agriculturally, it’s during this Time that the Seeds shift from sprouts into shoots and saplings, capable of budding.

"Thereafter, the practitioner experiences Nessa combining her Power with Tulkas’ as her Power activates the Essence of the Divine Feminine within the practitioner’s Seeds and psyche. During that month, (Lotessë), the practitioner experiences the Sacred Dance... As the Dance progresses toward culmination, Vana’s Power causes the buds to flower, thusly ensuring the advent of the hoped for Fruit.

"The flowering established, Narië arrives and Varda fuses the Divine Essences quickened, and intermingled during Víressë and Lotessë, thereby affecting the Sacred Marriage, the Union of Opposites; thereby ensuring the practitioner has a chronic, sympathetically Resonant Relationship with all Aspects of Eru, and thusly facilitating the most graceful and harmonious Fruit-Bearing process. The Flowering Quadrant ends with Tarnin Austa, the Summer Solstice, and a celebration of the making of the Sun. During the Tarnin Austa Observance, the practitioner gains...

"Fruit-Bearing Quadrant. The ESHC is about enabling the practitioner to become the S’Elf of her, his, or their Dream; accordingly, the final stage of the Cycle begins with the Moon of Cermië, and the Vala, Irmo, Lord of Visions, Dreams, and (Wise) Desires. Irmo moves the practitioner to look most deeply into her, his, or their psyche, similar to the way his brother and sister, Námo and Nienna, did; however, the input of Irmo’s Power shifts the growth process from flower to the first outward expressions of the intended Fruit, also enabling the practitioner to perceive actual ways, relationships and means by which the intended Fruit may become actual Harvest. Since Námo is Irmo’s brother, the practitioner receives the added harmony of both Fëanturi enabling her, him, or them to make...—thusly and totally ensuring the outcome is perfectly aligned with the intention that conceived it.

"Thereafter, (during Úrimë), the harmony of the Fëanturi is joined by the Harmony of all the Ainur, thereby quickening the ripening the Fruit and fully activating the practitioner’s inner Ainu... This Time is akin to when farmers can see all their crops fully formed, and seemingly ready to harvest, but also needing a few more weeks for the Sun’s heat to soften and to raise the sugars in edible portions of the crops—that’s the time when they stop pushing, and simply allow Nature to have the steering wheel. On Yavie, before Yavannië, the practitioner’s focus turns to Arda, therefore to unifying the Flame within her, his, or their microcosm with the Secret Fire, for the benefit of Arda; between Yavie and the arrival of Yavannië, Arda will reciprocate by pumping up the ripening volume, so to speak, and by raising the lumens of the brilliance of the Light that is fully coalescing into the practitioner’s new S’Elf Expression.

"Yavannië commences at the peak of the ripening process, ushering in the (Full) Harvest, wherein Yavanna’s Song entangles the practitioner’s microcosm with all aspects of Arda required for the full delivery of the Harvest, thereby ensuring the... deeply empowered, and deeply empowering new Expression of both S’Elf, and Way of Life. During the Observance of Isilyavannië, allow Yavanna to sing the Primordial Melodies that eventually became your thoughts, interests, and intentions, (and your resultant Heart Song, which is manifesting as your Harvest at this Time); also allow her to...

"Finally, (Enderi arrives, and) Oromë lends his Power to the practitioner during the celebration of the loa’s Middle Days, thereby promoting the extension of that new Expression into all of Arda, similar to the way his Power raised evergreens around the entire planet. (Chronologically, the flip side of Enderi is Mettarë, the Last Day. While Mettarë is the last day of the loa, the last day of Enderi is the Last Day of the Harvest Cycle; accordingly, respecting a similar solemnity at this Time is a very good way of tempering any 'I’m ALL that!' inclinations you may experience as you revel in the success of your Harvest during this Observance. The broadcasting of the New S’Elf during Enderi is the last exhalation of the... Harvest Cycle."

The fundamental purpose of this Path is the facilitation of progressive, personal Transformation, aligned and affecting sympathetic Resonance with the Valar and with Elves , (in keeping with what may be evident about them both within the Legendarium). The Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle naturally arises from the path's devotional structure, and it truly enables the you to dig into the meat this path has to offer you, and all serious spiritual seekers; empowering you to Be your highest S'Elf, according to your authentic heart's desire.



de Cygne, M. A. (2022). The Elven Spiritual Harvest Cycle.

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